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Heaven in Healthcare Christmas update

Published on 22 February, 2020

As we enter into the Christmas and New Year period I want to give you an update on developments within Heaven in Healthcare and share some of our good news.

This morning I did an interview for Premier Radio on this subject; it was recorded and will be broadcast as part of their “The Leadership File” series sometime in January. As I was talking it helped me recall God’s faithfulness and the joy and privilege of being part of His unfolding plan on the earth.

Undoubtedly at this moment in time there is a large stirring of the Holy Spirit in the arena of Healthcare in this and other nations. I keep hearing of individual Christians who are doing some amazing things, for example people working in care homes seeing major changes in people suffering from dementia, a hospital cleaner changing the spiritual atmosphere of her hospital as she prays in every room she cleans. In addition Christians are working together and seeing breakthroughs in A&E and General Practice.

There is interest from South Africa, Holland and the United States in developing Heaven in Healthcare in their nations.

The Eastgate Healing Centre and Transformation Centre was recently presented to about 100 local GPs as a Complementary service, and soon we expect for a research project funded by the local Clinical Commissioning Group, to start within Eastgate led by a Specialist in Pain Control, in order to look at the psychological and social aspects involved in the alleviation of suffering caused by long-term pain.

We are seeing multiple healings. Early in December, a man returned to the Eastgate Healing Centre to report back about his condition; he had been treated at a hospital for bowel cancer with liver secondaries and he had also visited the Healing Centre. He reported that on his latest hospital visit the consultant told him that there was no sign of cancer in his body and this was highly unusual (“a first”). We rejoiced over this news, celebrated excellent healthcare, and also rejoiced that we had played a part in his story.

The website is gradually developing into the tool we hope it to be, providing inspiration, encouragement, discussion, community, and soon to come eLearning. It is one of the main ways that you can belong to and take part in this exciting move of God. Membership is gradually growing and we would love you to become a member and start contributing to the discussions, testimonies, wise practice etc. Simply sign up for membership at £5 per month and take personal ownership and responsibility for this mission as well as being equipped for it.

In addition, we are looking to start “Locality Groups” in other parts of the UK (and other nations) and use these groups for personal support, fun, and encouragement. We are looking for people willing to be Ambassadors for Heaven in Healthcare in their own locality. This week we had a Christmas social gathering at the Eastgate locality group and much fun and laughter were had by all. This social component is a very important aspect of what we do together.

So I wish you a very Merry Christmas and we can look forward to 2019 with great expectation of how we can work together to enhance healthcare and wellbeing in our nation and see the kingdom of heaven expressed in ever increasing ways.

Some opportunities in 2019:

Prophetic School with Kris Vallotton at Eastgate 24th and 25th January

“Healing and Heaven in Healthcare” conference with Pete Carter in Poole, at Lighthouse Family Church on Saturday 9th February.

Heaven in Healthcare annual conference at Eastgate starting Friday evening 11th October and all day Saturday 12th October.

I appreciate and celebrate you.

Pete Carter