by Pete Carter | Feb 18, 2020 | Blog
Are you allowed to demonstrate your faith at work? This is a question that is commonly asked in the arena of health provision and one which we are keen to provide answers for through Heaven in Healthcare. Basically the answer is “Yes”, the next question is “How?”...
by Pete Carter | Feb 18, 2020 | Blog
We’re so excited about the way that God is moving in the arena of Healthcare, to see the way that He is stirring the hearts of so many health workers across many nations to bring the realities of Heaven into their areas of work and life itself. We’re...
by Pete Carter | Feb 18, 2020 | Blog
We hear a lot about how hard things are for the NHS. And the reality is, a lot of it’s true. But no matter how big the problems seem to get, God has a solution to every need. And that’s how we started ED Pastors. Four years ago, I was working as a volunteer prison...
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