Take Delight In Yourself, The World Benefits!

Take Delight In Yourself, The World Benefits!

Pete reveals the pitfalls of false humility and how dangerous this is for us as Christians and people responsible for the health of others. The good news is that delighting in yourself gives access to all the incredible things God has put inside...
See More of The Miraculous In Your Life!

See More of The Miraculous In Your Life!

If someone told you that there were 4 things you could do to guarantee more of the miraculous in your life, what would your reaction be? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Sometimes if we hear a statement like that it seems almost presumptuous. But the reality...
Harness The Power of The Testimony In Your Life!

Harness The Power of The Testimony In Your Life!

At one of our recent locality group meetings, we were amazed as we heard story after story of God breaking through into the healthcare world in miraculous ways… from volunteer chaplains seeing legs instantly healed in emergency rooms, to support workers...