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Renewed Hope

Posted Friday 12 July 2024

Hope is facing significant challenges today, impacting various sectors of society and different age groups worldwide. This poses a substantial problem, as hope is crucial for developing healthy individuals, communities, societies, and nations. Conversely, a lack of hope weakens all these structures. What the world needs now is Renewed Hope. Certainly, in healthcare, hope is being challenged on a widespread level, and existing structures are beginning to creak. However, hope is the fertile soil in which aspirations, dreams, and creative solutions can flourish. Hope is one of the cornerstones of the Christian faith.

In praying and thinking on this, I’ve come to acknowledge both to myself and others that the current state of our health services in the UK has caused profound sadness, akin to experiencing a bereavement over what has been lost. I believe this sentiment is shared in other nations as well.

And whilst solutions are not obvious, I believe in the God of Hope who can change nations in a short space of time and I refuse to give up. Instead, taking Abraham as my example, I choose to “hope when hope seems unreasonable” (Romans 4:18)

During this period of reflection, a friend from the Heaven in Healthcare community mentioned a medical conference that deeply resonated with me. The conference, entitled “Integrative and Personalised Medicine,” was led by several prominent figures in the medical field, and it stirred something in my spirit.

The introduction to the conference stated: ‘Medicine as we know it is no longer affordable or sustainable. Nor is it able to curb the increase in obesity, mental health problems and most long-term disease. Dr Michael Dixon, Chair of the College of Medicine, will highlight how it is time for Integrative Care to take centre stage, combining the best of our current medicine with an approach that enhances our natural abilities to self-heal and stay healthy using lifestyle and a wider range of therapies.’

As a doctor, I understand the importance of an accurate diagnosis, as it is essential for effective treatment. In my view, this conference provided a precise diagnosis of the issues within UK health services, articulated more clearly than I have ever seen before. This clarity stirred my spirit, raising my sense of hope and faith to a higher level. I scrolled down the page to find details of the first keynote session, entitled ‘Spirituality and Healing – and the role it plays alongside Scientific Medicine’.The outline included the following statement: ‘Modern medicine needs to be more pluralistic in its approach to health and accept that spirituality and healing techniques have roles to play alongside scientific medicine.’ There is an exciting sense that the hope I have held onto for many years is finally becoming a reality! I know this is true for many other Christians working in healthcare, as the resources of heaven become an integral part of the healthcare equation.

On a similar note, I recently learned about a significant gathering in London, where healthcare workers and faith group leaders came together. They explored increasing collaboration in healthcare delivery, the potential of the social prescribing agenda, and the necessity of incorporating spiritual awareness into holistic healthcare.

In summary, this appears to be a truly pivotal moment for healthcare provision. We also believe it marks a crucial milestone for Heaven in Healthcare. Over the last year or so we have had strategic meetings and conversations to prepare for the opportunities emerging before us. We believe we have received direction from God, empowering us to move forward with the assurance that He is always with us as the God of Hope. He dwells within us and has placed a river of life within us, capable of restoring and sustaining our hope, joy, and peace. This overflow can then extend to the people and places around us. The times ahead promise to be both exciting and fruitful!

You’ll have seen from our last e-mail that in line with this theme, we are calling our HiH annual conference ‘Renewed Hope’. Details of the conference can be found here

We hope you can join us…for such a time as this!

Many blessings to you,

Pete Carter