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The Power of Imagination

Posted Thursday 11 June 2020

This testimony – written from a time before current distancing regulations – is the final part in our three-part testimony series. One of our HiH team members has been sharing inspirational stories of how she has seen God break into the different situations she faces – as a clinician, as a visitor to hospital and here, as a Mum.

We often (in a non-lockdown world!) inhabit so many different places and contexts where God can, if we’re willing, use us to make an impact. I love how this story demonstrates someone actively engaging with God and intentionally asking him for an activation of a spiritual gift in the midst of weekend activities. Here’s the story:

“I had taken my young children to their Saturday dance class, in a big contemporary building, full of students of all ages. In fact, it’s a lovely space, and I had spent time over the previous months singing worship songs (quietly!) and praying in tongues as I wandered around.

Today, I decided to ask God for an extra healing tutorial. He responded straight away! I felt an unfamiliar sensation in my ankles and when I looked down, with my spirit eyes I could see my ankles vibrating.

“Aha! Word of knowledge”, I thought (not having experienced something like this before).

I kept my eyes open, and before too long a young man in dance gear hobbled past, with someone, presumably his teacher, who I heard saying something about “a fracture”.

As parents, we all have to sit outside the classroom to wait for the younger children, and it is very cosy with bored parents in the hall, so I found myself feeling too self-conscious to approach him with an audience watching.

However, when the young man passed me for the second time, I managed to put my feelings aside, and asked him if he had a problem with his ankle that he would like prayer for. His teaching companion had a rather fixed smile on her face, and as I sat back after a praying short prayer, I noticed ten pairs of eyes from the other parents, plus my daughter asking, “what were you doing, mummy?”

The young man passed me again five minutes later, the hobbling even worse, carrying an ice pack. I queried with God what was happening at this point, as the word of knowledge had seemed so clear. The reply came very quickly “you haven’t imagined his healing yet!” So, I took the hint, and imagined this young man, able to dance around freely, jumping and spinning.

A short while later he passed me again, not making eye contact or speaking a word, but this time he was walking easily, and as he went past me, he gave a huge leap, landing on the previously injured foot.

Thank you Jesus for the creative power of our minds! We don’t need a formula for healing, we simply need to interact with God and let him work through us.
